A social enterprise, Strategic Connections exists to provide management and development advisory services as its core business. The organization seeks to facilitate positive improvements amongst both people and organizations in a responsible and developmental manner.

We have a strong bias towards development work, irrespective of the concerned sector. In particular, Strategic Connections seeks to support development actors to more effectively, sustainably and efficiently realize their ambitions. This is achieved through amongst others facilitating capacity development and learning processes, influencing development practice, and offering management advisory support.


A leading provider of cutting edge advisory services in management and development.


To support people and their organisations thrive.

Our Core Values

Strategic Connections is guided by the following ideals:
Excellence: We commit to deliver our commitments to, and add value beyond clients’ expectations. We achieve this by putting forth our professional best, and continually improving ourselves.
Integrity: We are devoted to the principles of honesty, uprightness, credibility and being virtuous.
Diversity: We appreciate and respect the diversity and variety of cultures and positions held by those we interact with. We openly discuss with others our honest views on specific issues.
Commitment: We are passionate about what we do, driven by a desire to contribute to improved wellbeing of people and nature.

Strategic Connections has positioned itself as a facilitator in the development chain, supporting development actors to better realize their socio-economic change ambitions. As social development practitioners, we support individuals, groups and organisations to facilitate change, unblock stuckness and enable a ‘letting go’ so that development takes place.

Regard social situations as organic (alive) phenomena that we understand as complex and emergent, not linear but simultaneous systems. We search for ways of appreciating, facilitating and accompanying, rather than explaining, manipulating or controlling.

Our facilitation techniques are premised on a desire to ensure effectiveness and sustainability of our interventions. We work in a participative, consultative and collaborative way with like-minded persons and organizations, with whom we share information and learning.


While most of our work focuses on the development sector, we also offer technical or advisory support to ‘selected’ private sector organisations, more so Corporate Social Investments / Responsibility initiatives as well as Corporate Foundations. We also support relevant State entities that are directly engaged in social-economic development initiatives.

Strategic Connections grounds its work on a number of value propositions: quality, value and change. We are first and foremost driven by the impact of our work.
Over and above our present tagline, – ‘unlocking potential’ – we consistently promote the following value propositions:

  1. Quality – quality and customer satisfaction are our top priority. We have consistently delivered unparalleled performance, and exceeded customer expectations – this has made us who/ what we are today. We work at continuous quality improvements as part of our learning culture.
  2. Value - We guarantee value for money. Our multi-skilled and well-grounded team of experts are able to offer support in almost all aspects of development and management. We look into the whole, rather than just parts of a system.
  3. Change – We are committed to facilitating positive change (impact). We search for ways of appreciating, facilitating and accompanying, rather than explaining and controlling.

‘We Deliver: Quality. Value. Change. …………We support you do likewise!’ We have dedicated team of in-house consultants (advisors) and a pool of associates with multiple expertise on our core areas of focus. We work closely with other consultancy firms of repute, both in the South and North. These include amongst others Horwath Erastus and Company (www.erastusCPA.com), Context International (www.contextinternationalcooperation.org) and Fair & Sustainable Advisory Services (www.fairandsustainable.nl).


kindly talk to us

General Contact

Strategic Connections ltd.

  • Adress: P.O Box 25527 - 00100, Nairobi
  • Morningside Office Park, 1st Floor I Ngong Rd
  • Email:info@sclkenya.com
  • Tel:+254 20 8029746/+254 733 527220
  • /+254 716 151001
  • website: www.sclkenya.com